

Venka Purushothaman

This special volume of ISSUE is dedicated to a series of critical inquiries into the field of performance curricula, pedagogies and practices. Informed by changing positionalities in performing arts education and emerging interdisciplinary approaches in performance and experience-making, these inquiries were germinated and crystallised at a landmark conference, Arrhythmia: Performance Pedagogy and Practice, held in Singapore in June 2021 amid a raging pandemic. The pandemic was a stark reminder of that which is often taken for granted: how much the embodied and existential coalesce in situ to create magic. The substance of the conference was prompting us to go further afield with renewed vigour to explore new opportunities and give voice to that which is vulnerable—human connectivity. This exploration warranted study, leading to the commission of the conference organisers to curate a series of articles for this special volume.

This is the first special volume for ISSUE in its ten-year history. We are delighted to present this remarkable body of work.

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